
The Callmetoplay concept

Callmetoplay is a site for erotic ads, information and exchanges, created by associations defending the rights of sex workers in Romandie. Its purpose is to allow escorts to announce themselves free of charge and to receive all the information necessary for work at lower risk (STIs and violence).

As you will have understood, the Callmetoplay site is indeed a free erotic ad site. But it is also and above all a superb tool to break the loneliness often linked to sex work. You can communicate with each other via the protected forum, be put in contact with safe photographers, get in touch with support associations, request a prevention visit to your workplace in complete discretion and find out what to do if a ∙the client∙e assaults you or if a condom breaks,…

The Callmetoplay ad platform is run by escorts for escorts. We know how difficult it is already to practice sex work without having to be punctured by advertisers. We know the issues around sex work. Do not hesitate to contact us and above all, between us, no taboos!

Aspasie, rue des Pâquis 11, 1201 Genève, tél. : 022 732 68 28, aspasie(at)aspasie.ch

Fleur de Pavé, Sévelin 32, 1004 Lausanne, tél. : 021 661 31 21, infos(at)fleurdepave.ch

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